Since October marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness month, there is no better time to speak about the many different treatments options now available to patients. In the past, there were few options other than invasive surgery, but fortunately, there have been many advances in cancer treatments. One innovative treatment is CyberKnife radiosurgery. To learn more about this treatment option, keep reading and explore the answers to some of the top patient questions.
- What is CyberKnife Radiosurgery? CyberKnife radiosurgery is considered a non-invasive or knifeless alternative to surgery. It treats various cancerous and non-cancerous tumors in the body, and has proven effective in treating prostate, lung, brain, and breast cancer that may have spread to other locations.
- How does this treatment work? Despite its name, the CyberKnife procedure does not involve any cutting or incisions. Instead, the treatment delivers high-dose radiation beams to targeted tumors. Although it does not remove tumors, it destroys cancerous tissue which prevents them from growing or spreading further. Unlike traditional radiation therapies, CyberKnife radiosurgery is able to deliver higher more effective radiation doses to stubborn tumors with minimal to no side effects, helping to preserve areas of healthy tissue normally effected by other forms of radiation. This especially becomes important for tumors located within the brain or spine where even the slightest tissue damage to normal areas is not an option.
- Are there any side effects to CyberKnife? Like with any treatment, there may be some side-effects, which are usually mild. The most common side effects following treatment is fatigue. Treatments normally take place over 1 to 5 days, and typically do not require any recovery time.
- Who is a candidate for CyberKnife? A patient who has a tumor clearly identified on imaging studies that may not respond well to chemotherapy or other therapeutic modalities may be a good candidate for CyberKnife. In other cases, CyberKnife can serve as an option when open surgery is too risky or if the tumor is considered inoperable. While many practitioners may not be well-informed about this treatment option, patients with tumors affecting the brain or spine are encouraged to contact us today to learn more.
CyberKnife Treatment in Princeton
If you have any questions about CyberKnife Radiosurgery, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Our offices are located in Hamilton, NJ, serving the greater Princeton area, and you can reach us at (609) 890-3400. We look forward to hearing from you!