Cervical Myelopathy in New Jersey

What is Cervical Myelopathy?

Cervical myelopathy is a condition that affects the cervical or neck portion of the spinal cord. In this condition, the delicate spinal cord tissue in the neck is damaged. This interferes with proper nerve function that affects communication between the brain and body. Cervical myelopathy tends to cause impaired motor and sensory function. Typically this results in gait clumsiness, difficulty with coordination and fine motor hand control, sensory loss, muscle weakness and atrophy. Patients with cervical myelopathy may also exhibit exaggerated reflexes on clinical exam. Reflexes are exaggerated due to lack of inhibition on spinal reflexes by the brain.

Cervical Myelopathy Hamilton NJ

What Causes Cervical Myelopathy?

There are numerous insults to the spinal cord that can result in myelopathy. One of the most common causes occurs when the spinal cord is pinched or compressed by degenerative changes that take place within the bony spinal column. Spinal stenosis or narrowing of the bony spinal canal can result in abnormal compression of the cervical spinal cord which can lead to cervical myelopathy. Alternatively, a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease can also put undue pressure on the spinal cord and result in cervical myelopathy. Symptoms of cervical myelopathy may occur gradually or abruptly depending on the disease process. In either case, injury to the cervical spinal cord is most likely irreversible. Therefore it is imperative that the condition is identified and treated in an effort to prevent further irreversible neurologic damage.

What Are The Symptoms of Cervical Myelopathy?

Symptoms of this condition may occur gradually or rapidly. Early diagnosis of this condition is imperative to prevent permanent damage to the spine.

  1. Numbness in hands, trunk or legs.
  2. Weakness in the extremities.
  3. Leg stiffness.
  4. Loss of bowls, urgency to urinate.
  5. Loss of balance, vertigo or clumsiness.
  6. Neck pain.

Symptoms can rapidly occur, and then seem to plateau for periods of time, and then accelerate again. Cervical myelopathy is a progressive condition and if left untreated, patients can progress to paralysis.

What are my Treatment and Surgery options for Cervical Myelopathy?

WARNING: If patients or healthcare providers suspect cervical myelopathy, urgent neurosurgical evaluation is warranted!

Treatment efforts for cervical myelopathy are directed towards decompressing the spinal cord from external forces. For example, a herniated disc that compresses the spinal cord is removed thereby relieving the pressure of the disc on the cord. Similarly, a tumor that compresses the spinal cord is removed preventing further pressure damage. Often, when compressing elements are removed the bony spinal column requires repair in an effort to restore its structural integrity. This is accomplished surgically by performing a spinal fusion procedure. Unfortunately, once the spinal cord is decompressed, the patient’s lost function may not improve.

Cervical Myelopathy Bridgewater NJ

However, further neurologic decline will be prevented. At Princeton Neurological Surgery, Dr. John Lipani is a board-certified fellowship trained specialist in complex and minimally invasive spinal surgery. Dr. Lipani offers expert treatment for cervical myelopathy in the greater Princeton New Jersey area. Please feel free to call our office to learn more (609) 890-3400.

What People Say About Us!

"Dr. Lipani and his staff are excellent. Dr. Lipani was very thorough. He explained what needed to be treated and why. He has terrific bedside manners. He answered all my questions patiently. Did not rush me at any time. I recommended him to one of my friends and she was extremely happy with him too."

- Poornima S.

Click here to read more reviews.

Why Choose Dr. Lipani For Your Cervical Myelopathy Procedure?

At Princeton Neurological Surgery, Dr. Lipani is a board certified, fellowship-trained spine surgeon in New Jersey who performs minimally invasive spine surgery as well as complex spinal surgery. Dr. Lipani is a specialist in the treatment for cervical myelopathy and many other spinal conditions such as spinal stenosisherniated discsdegenerative disc disease, low back pain, neck pain, spinal tumors, spinal cancer and more. Dr. Lipani treats patients with cervical myelopathy from around the world, including New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Dr. Lipani offers image guided spine surgery approaches for cervical myelopathy treatment, tailored to the needs of each patient. For state-of-the-art cervical myelopathy treatment, call or email us to schedule a consultation at one of our convenient locations in Hamilton, Bridgewater, or Morristown, New Jersey!

Dr. Lipani’s affiliation with several major New Jersey hospitals means that you will receive the cervical myelopathy surgery you need without having to travel to New York or Philadelphia. Dr. Lipani has over 15 years of experience performing brain and spine surgeries, so you can count on him to provide the best possible quality of care to all his patients.

Cervical Myelopathy Treatment in NJ

If you have questions about cervical myelopathy, contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Lipani. Our offices are located in Hamilton, NJ, serving the greater Princeton area. We can be reached at (609) 890-3400. We look forward to serving you!

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