1977 – 1979 Widener University, Chester, PA Bachelor of Science in Nursing
1975 – 1977 Cabrini College, Radnor, PA Liberal Arts/Pre-Nursing
Professional Experience
2012-Present Princeton Neurological Surgery and JD Lipani Radiosurgery Institute
Administrative Director and Clinical Manager
- Responsible for collaborating with Medical Director of Princeton Neurological Surgery and JD Lipani Radiosurgery Institute in the development, strategic planning and implementation of practice business plan
- Recommends, develops and implements improvements for physician practice
- Oversees the business and fiscal management of the physician practice in conjunction with the practice CPA
- Oversees administrative and clerical activities to ensure efficient physician practice operations
- Oversees the billing and collection processes of the physician practice
- Development and implementation of Electronic Medical Record in collaboration with president of Princeton Neurological Surgery and JD Lipani Radiosurgery Institute and Integrity Medical System
- Oversees EMR content and communicates with Integrity Medical System reflecting current practice changes as needed
- Collaborates with president of physician practice in web site content and development
- Manages and oversees practice websites to reflect ongoing current evidenced based practice
- Management of physician credentialing and maintenance of contracts
- Resolves medical-administrative problems optimizing open lines of communication within physician practice
- Maintain active professional affiliations complementing professional development and maintaining current in healthcare trends
- Function as physician/patient/hospital liaison
- Collaborate with president of Princeton Neurological Surgery and JD Lipani Radiosurgery Institute to determine and implement evidenced based patient care
- Collaborates with president of physician practice to determine, implement and monitor best practice service indicators
- In-patient clinical rounding with physician
- Collaborate with practice physician to ensure quality of care for all patients
- Functions as hospital contact for all patients serviced by Princeton Neurological Surgery and JD LIpani Radiosurgery Institute
- Provides patient education and materials to patients and families
- Collaborates with practice physician to coordinate patients through the continuum of care
2009-2012 Capital Health System
Clinical Manager Cancer Programs/Breast Navigator
- Manages and coordinates the clinical activities of the Cancer Program and its various departments and programs
- Functions as a physician and hospital liaison
- Plans, reviews, establishes and implements procedures to insure the proper communication between CH staff, physicians and vendors
- Oversees departments including Stereotactic Radiosurgery, Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology, Genetics, Research, Surgical Oncology and tumor specific programs
- Oversees clinical quality and safety for areas of responsibility within the CH framework
- Demonstrates fiscal responsibility
- Coordinates and navigates patients breast care through the continuum of care
- Develops and implements tumor site specific programs and subsequent navigation processes
- Provides breast health and other tumor site specific education to patients and families
- Coordinates survey process for the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC)
- Performs as an effective leader
- Adheres to CH behavior and other related performance standards
2006-2009 Capital Health Systems
Clinical Manager Neurosciences
- Function as Physician/hospital liaison
- Plan, review, establish and implement procedures to insure proper communication between staff, physicians and vendors
- Review all complaints an resolves problems as they arise
- Establish collaborative working relationships
- Develop, maintain and analyze clinical data
- Conduct in-services, meetings, seminars regarding product line of service
- Collaboratively initiates new services and programs
- Oversee administrative and clerical activities to ensure efficient operation and implementation of strategic efforts
- Works in collaboration with the Medical Director on Neuro-Sciences and the Medical Director of Neurosurgery to determine, implement and monitor quality indicators to the services
- Function as patient liaison
- Performs clinical rounds on all in-patients and acts as a hospital contact for all out patients registered with the service
- Coordinates patient care between ambulatory and in-patient settings
- Collaborates with physicians to ensure efficient quality of care for all patients
- Conducts education needs assessments as necessary for staff involved in the care of the Neuro-Sciences patients
- Develops educational plans and competency assessments
2006 Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
Specialty Team Supervisor Neurosurgery
- Implement intraoperative needs for neurosurgical patients.
- Set goals and prescribes appropriate nursing actions to meet these goals
- Anticipate and plan for physical and psychological needs of the neurosurgical patient
- Provide continuous updating and evaluation of educational needs
- Provide direction, training and evaluation of neurosurgical specialty team members
- Writing and updating of surgeon preference cards
- Follow policies and procedures for Neurosurgical specialty service
- Evaluate new products and procedures
- Collaborates with Materials Management coordinator to maintain adequate and appropriate supplies and inventory for neurosurgical service
- Participate in inter departmental development of critical pathways
- Participate in quality improvement programs
- Demonstrate and execute proper documentation
- Collaborate with Vice President of peri-operative services in yearly capital budget planning
- Maintain neurosurgical service resource manuals
- Maintain consistent and open lines of communication with Neurosurgeons and nursing staff
- Support cost containment efforts of the institution
- Monitor and adjust par levels for chargeable and non-chargeable specialty items in collaboration with Materials coordinator
- Attend on-going section meetings to increase knowledge and demonstrate interest in current educational development
- Demonstrate commitment to professional growth
- Maintain membership in local and national organizations
- Confront personnel issues and facilitate conflict resolution
2004-2006 Jefferson Hospital For Neuroscience Philadelphia, PA
Neurosurgery Staff Nurse
- Interim Neurosurgical Clinical Coordinator
- Planning, coordination and implementation of patient care with nursing, neurosurgeons and anesthesiologist
- Planning of procedure specific requirements for neurosurgical patients
- Implementation of standards into daily OR nursing practice
- Maintain current knowledge of educational principles and skills as related to the care of the neurosurgical patient
- Ensure that peri-operative patient care needs are met consistently
- Demonstrate clinical expertise in both the scrub and circulating nurse roles for all neurosurgical procedures
- Monitor the environment of patient care
- Support organizational, departmental and neurosurgical program initiatives
- Preceptor for orientees in the peri-operative care of the neurosurgical patient
- Act as role model to inspire others to clinical excellence
- Perform within the legal framework of the nursing profession as defined by the Nurse Practice Act of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Assessment, planning, implementation, intervention and evaluation of peri-operative care of the patient
2003 – Children’s Hospital of Boston
Cardiac Surgery Staff Nurse
- Staff Nurse/Cardiovascular Operating Room
- Planning and coordinating patient care with nursing, cardiovascular surgeons and anesthesiologists
- Planning of procedure specific requirements for cardiovascular patients
- Implementation of standards into daily OR nursing practice
- Maintain current knowledge of educational principles and skills
- Ensure that peri-operative patient care needs are consistently met
- Expert in scrub and circulating intra-operative nursing roles for all cardiovascular procedures
2001 – 2003 Children’s Hospital and Health Center San Diego, CA
Cardiac Surgery Team Leader / Clinical Coordinator – Operating Room
- Work directly with the Director of Peri-operative Services/Nursing Coordinator and all team leaders to ensure that the key operating objectives of the Peri-operative Services are met
- Ensure that peri-operative patient care needs are met
- Monitor environment of care
- Collaborate with internal and external customers to promote positive patient care and customer relationships
- Act as a role model to inspire others to excellence
- Monitor expenditures in supplies, equipment and staffing
- Participate in the capital and expense budgeting processes
- Implement cost control measures
- Collaborate with Education Coordinator to plan for educational opportunities for team members
- Maintain current knowledge of educational principles and skills, as well as new techniques, treatments and procedures
- Facilitate the daily cardiovascular intra-operative schedule
- Assign staff in the Cardiovascular Operating Room appropriately
- Collaborate with cardiac surgeons and anesthesiologists to ensure optimal smooth running of the daily cardiac schedule
- Support organizational, departmental and program initiatives
1999 – 2001 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA
Staff Nurse/Level IV Cardio-thoracic Operating Room
- Coordinated intra-operative continuing education programs
- Collaborated in the reorganization and standardization of the Cardiac Operating Rooms
- Collaborated in the development of a Cardio-thoracic Orientation Module for Nursing Staff
- Planned and coordinated of patient care with surgeons and anesthesiologists
- Collaborated with SPD supervisors to institute a system to decrease par levels of materials increasing cost efficiency
- Educated nursing staff on Policies and Procedures
- Implemented standards into daily OR practice
- Coordinated ordering of instrumentation, equipment and sets reflecting the needs of a new Cardio-thoracic Surgeon
- Planned procedure-specific requirements for Cardio-thoracic surgeons
1983 – 1999 The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA
Pediatric Neurosurgical Specialty Nurse
- Planned and coordinated nursing care for the neurosurgical service
- Directed orientation of nursing staff
- Initiated continuing education programs within the Operating Room Complex and institution
- Planned and coordinated patient care with the surgeons and anesthesiologists
- Coordinated 24-hour neurosurgical on-call protocol
- Developed Fetal Myelomeningocele intra-operative nursing program
- Formulated short and long term goals for the neurosurgical service
- Assessed and evaluated the need for maintenance of specialty equipment and instrumentation specific to neurosurgery
- Developed Neurosurgery Orientation Module
- Liver Transplant nursing team member
- Fetal Surgery Nursing Team member
- Preceptor, circulating and scrub nurse for all other specialty services excluding Cardiac Surgery
Organizations and Committees:
- 1983-present – American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (AANN)
- 2004-present – American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)
- 2000-2010 – Association of Operating Room Nurses AORN
- 2004-2006 – Ethics committee
- 2010-present – Oncology Nursing Society (national ONS)
- 2011-present – Local chapter ONS
- 2001-2002 – Team leader committee
- 2000-2001 – CPD/OR standardization committee
- 2000-2001 – Policy and Procedure Committee / revise and update policies
- 1999-2001 – Cardiac Center Retention Committee
- 1997-2001 – Elected and active member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons
- 1996-1997 – Operating Room Director Search Committee Nursing Representation
- 1990-1999 – Nursing Graph Scheduling Committee Operating Room
- 1990-1992 – Nurse Advisory Committee Operating Room Children’s Hospital
- 1991-1992 – Nursing Legislative Committee Children’s Hospital
- 1991-1993 – Operating Room Nursing Consultant for Baxter HealthCare
- 1988-1996 – Educational Advisory Board for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- 1988-1995 – Active member of Chapter Council for the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- 1988-1998 – Active member of the Manuscript Review Board for American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- 1988-1989 – Carolyn Langstadter Nursing Achievement Committee Children’s Hospital
- 1986-1991 – Annual Conference Planning Committee Philadelphia Chapter AANN
- 1986-1998 – Continuing Education Review Board for Manuscript presentation and publication AANN
- 1983-2000 – Active Member World Federation of Neuroscience Nurses
- 1983-2006 – Philadelphia chapter American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
Offices Held
- 1988-1989 – Past President of the Philadelphia Chapter of American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- 1988-1991 – Chapter Council Representative for Eastern Central Division AANN
- 1987-1988 – President of the Philadelphia Chapter AANN
- 1985-1987 – Secretary Philadelphia Chapter AANN
Additional Experience
- 1984-2000 – Neuroscience nursing resource for nursing units Children’s Hospital Philadelphia
- 1998-2000 – Nursing expert in Neuroimaging stereotactic guidance system
- 1994-2001 – Faculty: Neuroscience Nursing: Clinical Practice and Theory nursing course Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- 1990-2000 – Designed and implemented an intra-operative neurosurgical Evaluation and assessment tool
- 1990-2000 – Authored, implemented and updated comprehensive intra-operative neurosurgical evaluation/assessment tool
- 1991-1995 – Developed Core Curriculum for intra-operative pediatric neurosurgical nursing
- 1990-1994 – Co-contributor to Handbook of Peri-operative Nursing Children’s Hospital
- 1988-2000 – Co-authored the Neuro-surgical Peri-operative nursing Policy, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
- 1989-1991 – Developed a Core Curriculum in Neuroscience for Association of neuro-surgical Distributors
- 1983-1984 – Service Nurse Neurosurgery – Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Coordination of the neurosurgical Operating Room
Orientation of all new nursing staff to neurosurgery
Responsible for care and ordering of instruments and supplies
Facilitated an environment conducive to optimal growth and Creativity among the nursing
Provided guidance and direction to the associate nurses - 1981-1983 – Service Nurse Urology at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Coordinated the Urology Operating Room
Orientation of the nursing staff to the Urology service
Responsible for the care and maintenance of instrumentation and Materials
Facilitated an environment conducive to optimal growth and creativity among the nursing staff - 1980-9184 – Staff nurse Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Functioned as a scrub and/or circulating nurse for all the surgical services
Functioned as Charge Nurse when required provided supplies and equipment needed during the operative phase of patient care
Participated in continuing education programs
Planning, coordinating and implementation of patient care - 1979-1980 – Charge Nurse 3-11 shift- Saint Francis Medical Center Trenton, NJ
Coordinated peri-operative nursing care for a 30 bed adult surgical unit
Delegation of nursing care and assignments
Implementation and enforcement of hospital and nursing policies and procedures
Participated in the discipline of personnel
Assisted the Head Nurse in promoting staff development
Communicated patient assessment and information to physicians
Assisted in establishing and maintaining standards of patient care
Publications and Abstracts
“Pathology, Treatment and Management of Posterior Fossa Brain Tumors in Childhood” Journal of Neuroscience Nursing Vol.20:2. April 1988
“Pediatric Head Injury” Contributor to Chapter. Textbook of Pediatric Nursing, Saunders 6th Edition 1988
“Preventing Pathology with Cranial Z-Plasty OR Nurse December 1985
Core Curriculum in Neuroscience for the Association of Neurosurgical Distributors, 1989-1991
Biegel J, Rourke LB, Packer RJ, Sutton LN, Schut LS, Bonner K, Emanuel BS. Isochromosome 17q in Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors of the Central Nervous System. Genetics. Chromosomes and Cancer 1:139-147 1989
Packer RJ, Biegel JA, Griffin CA, Rorke LB, Bonner K, Sutton LN, Schut L, Emanuel BS “Structural and Numerical Karyotypic Abnormalities in Childhood Brain Neuroectoderman Tumors” Ann. Neurology 22:4490450 1987
Duhaime, AC, Bonner K, McGowan KL, Schut L, Sutton, LM, Plotkin S: Distribution of bacteria in the operating room environment and its relation to ventricular shunt infections: A prospective study. Child’s Nervous System 7 (4): 211-214, 1991 (Reprinted in Annual Review of Hydrocephalus, Matsumoto S, Editor, Kobe, Japan, 1993)
Sutton LN, Wehrli S, Gennarelli L, Zimmerman R, Bonner K, Rourke L. High Resolution H Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors in Vitro. Journal of Neurosurgery Volume 81: 3. September 1994
Sutton LN, Golden J, Needle M, Bonner K, Benetez R. Surgical Removal of a Choroid Plexus Adenoma Using the Argon Beam Coagulator: Technical Case Report. Journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Volume 43:1 July 1998